domingo, 9 de marzo de 2025


In today's intricate geopolitical landscape, a silent but momentous battle is being waged for the soul of nations. On one side, there are the pillars that have traditionally sustained societies and allowed them to endure over time: cultural identity, religious faith and its values, family integrity, and democracy and public order. On the other side, globalism and progressivism emerge forcefully, two ideological currents that, in their homogenizing eagerness, threaten to erode these essential foundations.


Globalism and progressivism, whose ideological foundation lies in the homogenization of humanity and, according to some, even in depopulation, seek to apply the concept of globalization—inherently commercial and economic—to aspects that far transcend the mercantile sphere. In essence, they aim for moral and social uniformity on a global scale, implementing mechanisms and strategies to undermine the pillars that support the identity of each nation.


In an attemp to impose an amoral model that dismantles the cultural identity of each country, the very essence of the nation is directly attacked. Cultural identity is the melting pot where traditions, customs, language, and artistic expressions merge, shaping people and distinguishing them from other. By promoting a homogeneous global culture, the particularities that enrich human diversity are diluted.


Religious faith and its values, which have historically provided an ethical and moral framework for societies, are also threatened; globalists are aware that religious faith has played a crucial role in social cohesion throughout history, and therefore constitutes an unbreakable block to the advancement of globalism. That is why they promote a relativization of values, undermining the moral bases that guide individual and collective behavior. This relativization often translates into the promotion of a "woke culture", where traditions are questioned and reinterpreted under a progressive lens.


Family integrity, considered the basic nucleus of society, is another key objective. Alternative family models, such as homosexual couples, are promoted, and the LGTBQ+ movement is normalized, presenting it to society and especially to youth as one more option among others, ignoring human nature. Likewise, the legalization of abortion is promoted, arguing for population control. These actions, although defended under the banner of individual freedom, erode the traditional conception of the family as a fundamental unit of society.


Democracy and public order, essential pillars for the functioning of any nation, are also compromised. Political leaders who alert or fight against this globalist ideological current are attacked and delegitimized, generating political persecution against their opponents through NGOs financed by the globalists themselves. The control of prosecutors and judges becomes a tool to silence dissenting voices and manipulate the judicial system in favor of their interests.


The ultimate goal of this globalist strategy is clear: the depopulation and homogenization of humanity. In a homogeneous world, with a roboticized humanity, it is much easier to exercise control without resorting to war. It seeks to create a "global citizen", uprooted from their traditions and values, easily manipulated and adaptable to the dictates of a global elite.


However, not all is lost. Some countries, like ours, have been resisting these ideological onslaughts, demonstrating that the defense of values and national identity is possible. From the United States of America, a process of change has begun in this globalist subculture called "woke", dismantling the tools that globalists have used for years to achieve their nefarious ends. This awakening is a sign of hope for those who believe in the importance of preserving cultural diversity and the values that make us unique.


It is time to defend the pillars that sustain our society and our nation. We cannot allow a globalist ideology, which seeks homogenization and depopulation, to snatch away our identity, our faith, our family, and our democracy. We must raise our voices and defend the values that define us as a people, fighting for a future where cultural diversity is celebrated and individual freedom is respected.


Fernando Zambrano Ortiz

Political Analytics




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